Excellent products and solutions for your business


Opportunity :

What might seem a daring adventure, after some time has proved to be a solid reality. Having believed and invested from the beginning of the new generation of multi-layer technology, Micron LTD has over the years become synonymous with quality.

Quality from the start :

The Philosophy of Micron LTD was to believe and invest in "Total Quality"; choosing virgin raw materials of European production to guarantee and certify a refined product, technology, high quality standards and a total absence of harmful substances.

Respect for the environment: :

The need to protect the environment, is increasingly perceived with interest and consideration from all over the world production.

The polyethylene is a raw material present in the global market for many years, Micron LTD consider it an important resource as well as an opportunity for development.

For the optimization of its production apparatus has proceeded to invest in technology, acquiring new regranulation facilities for a total recovery and reuse of waste production, safeguarding the environmental impact significantly.

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Personalized offers

Each client has different needs.
Micron LTD 30 years following them with commitment, experience and professionalism. By customizing the product according to the type of use requested:

Contact us

Doubts? Questions? Information? Contact us, we will be glad to answer.

Micron LTD
Address: Via dell'Artiginato,11
35020 Albignasego PD Italy
Phone: +39 049 8626282
Fax: +39 049 8625187
VAT IT01618090284
E-mail: info@micronspa.it